UB's NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics

BNMA Member Since July 2016
UB's NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics
  • Associate Membership
  • Joined July 2016
  • Location
    701 Ellicott Street
    Buffalo, NY 14203
  • Contact Person
    Chris Janson
    Business Development Executive
  • Established in 2012
  • 1 to 24 Employees

UB's NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics Profile

The CMI leverages UB’s cutting edge materials science, big data analytics and advanced manufacturing expertise to drive critical R&D activities.

The University at Buffalo’s NYS Center of Excellence in Materials Informatics (CMI) leverages UB’s cutting-edge materials science and informatics expertise to drive innovation and critical R&D activities that directly impact private sector growth in several industries — including advanced manufacturing, life sciences, and energy. The CMI is dedicated to addressing industry’s materials science challenges through research and innovation by engaging entrepreneurial faculty, fostering a culture of innovation amongst students, and deploying the skills of UB researchers as well as those at partner institutions. UB has over fifty faculty members engaged in various aspects of materials research, with extensive funding from federal agencies and private industry. These scientists and engineers, along with the hundreds of graduate students and other researchers whom they mentor, are already working on exciting innovations with broad applications. Services:  Materials design, discovery, and characterization  Materials synthesis and property measurement  Advanced metrologies  Materials processing and prototyping  Creation of material process-structure-property databases  Machine learning to predict new materials with desired properties.